Mom's Zucchini Bread
<p>My mom’s never fail recipe. I will sometimes do this in a bundt pan instead of 2 loaf pans. Sometimes add chocolate or butterscotch chips. (I often increase the Cinnamon to 1 <span class="caps">TBSP</span> because we like it spicy)</p>
Source: Carol Eltman
Servings: 2 loaves or 1 bundt cake
Ingredient keywords: eggs, flour, zucchini
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Mom's Zucchini Bread
<p>“A moist and delicious zucchini bread flavored with walnuts and cinnamon. Easy to bake and freeze, this recipe makes two loves.”</p>
Servings: 24
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Moonshine Stuffing
<p>Grinding corn every week we think of the other uses for corn… up here in the mountains it is moonshine. Here is homage to this wonderful preservation of organic, heirloom corn</p>
Source: Sylvan Falls Mill
Servings: stuffs a 12-14 pound bird
Ingredient keywords: corn, onion, garlic, celery, rosemary, sage, salt, pepper
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Moroccan Bulgur with Greens
<p>I stumbled upon this when we first joined the Sauvie Island Organics <span class="caps">CSA</span> in Portland, Oregon. Their featured chef is a locavore, Katherine Duemling, who teaches a series of quick classes based on the premise that we should cook with what you have.<br />
I quickly became a convert to Katherine’s way of cooking and, while I still pull out many of her suggestions, (my husband claims her Caesar dressing is the best ever!)I’m learning to create and modify recipes based on what’s on hand. The bulgur recipe following is one of my all-time favorites. While it seems a cool-weather meal, I find it very refreshing in warm weather. <br />
Side bar: I’ve found harissa, a spicy African condiment, locally, at Whole Foods or, for the hardcore ‘everything from scratch’ cook, recipes are available at or Happy eating!</p>
Source: Adapted from
Servings: 3 - 4
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Moroccan Lamb Meatballs
<p>Serve with tzatziki sauce in mini pita bread</p>
Source: Recipe Tin Eats
Servings: 4
Ingredient keywords: lamb, onion, breadcrumbs, egg, garlic, cilantro, spices, spices, salt, pepper, Olive
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Moroccan Mint Tea
<p>Mint tea isn’t just a drink in Morocco. It is a sign of hospitality and friendship and tradition. Because this drink is so popular, it is served all day long, after every meal and with every conversation. Moroccans take great pride in their tea and will often ask a visitor who among their group of friends makes the best cup of mint tea.</p>
Servings: Serves 6
Ingredient keywords: Mint, Green, Sugar, Water
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Moroccan-Spiced Lamb Chops
<p>An easy to make lamb dish that’s packed with flavor! Please consider leaving a picture or comment if you decide to try this recipe!</p>
Servings: 4
Ingredient keywords: garlic, lamb, cilantro
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Moroccan-style Spiced Swiss Chard with Chicken
<p>Try something new tonight with a little taste from Morocco! Here’s a recipe from a friend of mine; it’s deliciously flavorful with a hint of sweet and heat.</p>
<p>This dish is gluten and grain free and quick to make (only 35 minutes from fridge to table), making it ideal for commuters and others who don’t want to spend hours in the kitchen. You can also make it <span class="caps">VEGAN</span> by eliminating the chicken. Or, you can add other left-over meat from the night before.</p>
<p><span class="caps">NUTRITION</span> <span class="caps">FACTS</span>:<br />
Did you know that Swiss Chard grows abundantly here in the Shenandoah Valley and is also known as the Spinach Beet? It is antioxidant rich in Vitamins A, C, E, K, Riboflavin, Vitamin B6, Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Potassium, Copper, Manganese, Thiamin, Folate and Zinc. Therefore, Swiss Chard is a great vegetable choice to help prevent cancer and cardio-vascular risks. Plus, it helps your skin’s elasticity. So eat for health and beauty! And, buy local and pesticide free whenever possible!</p>
Source: dish from an old friend of mine
Servings: serves about 4
Ingredient keywords: onion, garlic, ginger, apple, cumin,, red, chicken, olive, chicken,, kalamata,, peppers
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Mozzarella in carrozza
<p>This is basically an upgraded grilled cheese sandwich. Very crunchy and crispy. Traditional italian recipe.</p>
Servings: serves 6-12 people
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Mrs. Turner's Squash Skillet
<p>Found on “Twice Bloomed Wisteria” blog from a homeschooling mother who lives on a farm in Central Mississippi. She writes: <br />
“A few years ago, my Momma said she wished she could find some green tinted patty pan squash so she could make Mrs. Turner’s Squash Skillet. Mrs. Turner is an older lady in town who was originally from somewhere else. She had some different ways of doing things than many of the people who were born and raised here. One of those different ways was planting patty pan squash when everyone else here only planted yellow squash. Mrs. Turner once shared her squash and recipe with my mother. I, of course, found seeds and planted them. When the squash was ready, I shared it with Mrs. Turner and Momma and she shared the recipe with me.</p>
<p>Here is that recipe. <br />
You can tell that this is a truly Southern recipe because sugar is added to vegetables. Sugar is added to everything here, <span class="caps">EXCEPT</span> the cornbread. <a href="" target="_blank"><strong>Cornbread</strong></a>, by the way, is the perfect accompaniment to this squash dish. Anyway, if you feel uncomfortable adding sugar to vegetables, don’t do it or add less, which is what I do. The squash will still be good.<br />
Here are some other things I know about summer squash. You may substitute any summer squash in any summer squash recipe. There will be subtle taste and consistency issues, but the recipe will not fail or taste terrible."</p>
Source: Twice Bloomed Wisteria
Servings: 4-6
Ingredient keywords: onion, pepper, squash, tomato, butter, sugar, pepper, salt, flour
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Mucuna Mocha
<p>This delicious, dark, chocolately beverage is mildly stimulating and uplifting to the mood.<br />
Mucuna contains a cocktail of chemicals that can have a noticeable influence on the mind. Like all things, start off with less and add more as you feel inclined. This would be one to serve to your friends or those that may not be used to herbs or anything healthy.<br />
Mucuna has a dark coffee like flavor, shilajit is rich and smoky, and in combination with the cacao powder the result is a very delicious beverage.<br />
This elixir will make you feel clear mentally, and will give you energy for several hours.</p>
Source: Elixir Synergy
Servings: 2
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Multicolored Banana Berry Smoothies
<p>A lovely summer treat! You’ll need to freeze the raspberries, blueberries, and one of the bananas in advance. If you want it to look a little more blue you can add a few drops of food coloring, but it isn’t required.</p>
Servings: 2
Ingredient keywords: raspberries, strawberries, milk, blueberries, milk
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Muscadine Mojitos
<p>Sweet & refreshing, these mojitos are made with fresh muscadine grapes & mint! Please consider leaving a picture or comment if you decide to try this recipe!</p>
Servings: Variable
Ingredient keywords: muscadine, mint, lime
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Muscadine Salsa
<p>This sweet and spicy southern salsa is a great way to make use of muscadine grapes if jams and pies aren’t really your thing! This recipe uses Roasted Muscadine Grapes as one of its ingredients. Can be used as a dip for chips or served as a topping over beef, chicken, pork, or fish. Please consider leaving a picture or comment if you decide to try this recipe!</p>
Source: cleveland.ces.ncsu.ed
Servings: 3 cups
Ingredient keywords: onion, tomato, muscadine, jalapeno, cilantro
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Mushroom and Sweet Potato Potpie
<p>This rich & elegant dish is vegetarian/vegan friendly. You can use whatever kinds of mushrooms that you prefer, this is just a suggestion. Please consider leaving a picture or comment if you decide to try this recipe!</p>
Source: (modified slightly)
Servings: 8
Ingredient keywords: oil, shiitake, portobello, mushroom, onion, garlic, rosemary, bay, vinegar, potato
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Mushroom Pecan Stuffing
<p>A vegetarian stuffing (or dressing, as we call it here!) made with fresh local produce! Perfect for the holiday season! Please consider leaving a picture or comment if you decide to try this recipe!</p>
Servings: 12
Ingredient keywords: butter, mushroom, mushroom, onion, celery, garlic, sage, thyme, parsley, nutmeg, pecan, bread
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Mushroom Stroganoff with Goat Cheese
<p>Mushroom Stroganoff. This hearty dish is prepare with only 10 min. prep time and 30 min cook time and yields 6 to 8 servings. This dish can be vegetarian with the substitution of vegetable broth for the beef broth.</p>
Source: Alton Brown
Servings: 6 - 8 servings
Ingredient keywords: Noodle, Butter, Mushroom, Kosher, Onions, AP, Broth, Sour, Goat, Black
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Mustard Greens
<p>Cruciferous vegetables have many health benefits claimed for them, including Anti Oxident and anti cancer properties. Follow this link for a detailed list.</p>
<p>Here is a recipe that is a great addition to any meal. Yes, I have had Mustard Greens for breakfast.</p>
Servings: Serves 4
Ingredient keywords: onion, garlic, Olive, Mustard, broth, Salt, Pepper, Sesame
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Mustard Greens with Bacon
<p>Greens are quick and recipes can be simple. Still the flavor doesn’t let us down.</p>
Source: Kate An Hunter
Servings: Depends
Ingredient keywords: onion, greens
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Nana’s Western Style Barbeque Wheatmeat
<p>My favorite over rice or mashed potatoes, from my grandmother’s kitchen. Tangy, rich flavor; easy to toss together.</p>
Source: Nana Heinz' kitchen
Servings: 2-3
Ingredient keywords: onion, pepper, pepper
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Nanny's Cornbread Muffins
<p>NANNY’S <span class="caps">CORN</span> <span class="caps">MUFFINS</span></p>
<p>These corn muffins are delicious!</p>
<p>We recommend Freeman’s Mill self-rising cornmeal (a stone-ground product using Georgia-grown corn). We use fresh creamed corn when in season, but canned cream corn also works well.</p>
Source: Nanny Freeman
Servings: 12 muffins
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Napa Cabbage Salad
<p>Prepared with the lighter napa-style cabbage, seasoned with the flavors of toasted sesame oil, and providing the crunch of noodles and nuts. Top with lightly seasoned tofu, and you have your complete meal.</p>
Source: An amalgamation
Servings: 3-4
Ingredient keywords: onion, cabbage
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Napa Cabbage with Noodles
<p>Another twist on noodles and cabbage; a little more sedate</p>
Source: Adapted from: Vegetables from Amaranth to Zucchini by Elizabeth Schneider
Servings: 4-6
Ingredient keywords: cabbage, onions, cilantro
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Navajo Fry Bread
<p>I was introduced to fry bread at a Pow Wow in CA while dating a native American young man in college; Pow Wows were wonderful community experiences. And the food was great! This bread (tho not that healthy!) can be served simply with honey atop, or serves as a great receptacle to create Navajo tacos. (Make ’em big enough to accept your fillings! See “Cilantro Rice”— <span class="caps">THE</span> best base for a Fry Bread Taco!)</p>
Source: Cooking with the (Grateful) Dead: Recipes and Stories from Fans on the Road
Servings: 1-2 dozen
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Nectarine Ginger Smoothie Bowl
<p>This breakfast blend is packed with fruit and is easy to customize! You can use any toppings you like, these are just suggestions. Please consider leaving a picture or comment if you decide to try this recipe!</p>
Source: (modified slightly)
Servings: 1
Ingredient keywords: nectarine, plum, ginger, yogurt, milk, honey, nectarine, strawberries, nuts, honey, blueberries, granola, banana
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Nectarine Smoothies
<p>A chilly sweet treat to beat the summer heat! You can also substitute peaches for nectarines if you prefer. Please consider leaving a picture or comment if you decide to try this recipe!</p>
Servings: 3
Ingredient keywords: orange, lime, honey, nectarine, peach
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Nettles and Greens
<p>I have many requests for what to do with Nettles. Here is one fabulous way to eat this highly nutritious wild food!</p>
Source: Marantha's Kitchen
Servings: As much as you care to eat!
Ingredient keywords: Nettles, Mixed, Onion, Garlic, Potato, Nuts, Oil, Braggs
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New Garlic and Semolina Soup
<p>A beautifully smooth, simple soup with multiple variations featuring young garlic. The original recipe calls for chicken broth, but vegetable broth can easily be substituted.</p>
Source: "The Art of Simple Food" by Alice Waters, pg. 251
Servings: About 2 quarts or 4-6 servings
Ingredient keywords: broth, herbs, semolina, garlic
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New Orleans style Shrimp Creole (etouffee)
<p>Delicious and different way to cook shrimp, in a creamy tomato sauce. One key ingredient is English thyme.</p>
Source: I found this recipe in a magazine during the early 1960s. Supposedly it came from Brennan's, a famous New Orleans restaurant. It has been a family favorite ever since.
Servings: 4 - 6
Ingredient keywords: onions, onions, garlic, bay, English
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New Orleans style Shrimp Creole (etouffee)
<p>Delicious and different way to cook shrimp, in a creamy tomato sauce. One key ingredient is English thyme.</p>
Source: I found this recipe in a magazine during the early 1960s. Supposedly it came from Brennan's, a famous New Orleans restaurant. It has been a family favorite ever since.
Servings: 4 - 6
Ingredient keywords: onions, onions, garlic, bay, English
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New Potatoes in a Creamy Garlic Dill Sauce
<p>This recipe is so very easy to make! It is very delicious and was quite a surprise when we first tried it!!!</p>
Servings: 6-8 servings
Ingredient keywords: potatoes, onion, garlic, dill, beaverfork
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Nice Recipe
<p>wow lovely.Surely will try this recipe. Thanks <br />
Game Lover –</p>
Source: High recipe
Servings: 8 - 10
Ingredient keywords: Olive
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Nihari Gosht
<p>A richly spicy beef stew that’s perfect for a chilly night! Please consider leaving a picture or comment if you decide to try this recipe!</p>
Servings: 6
Ingredient keywords: seeds, seeds, pomegranate, bay, cinnamon, anise, mace, beef, bones, beef, beef, beef, onion, cardamom, cardamom, cinnamon, pepper, seasoning, yogurt, flour, ginger, bread
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No More Insects Dry Carpet and Rug Cleaner
<p>This is a recipe I’ve been using for years. It’s great for those of us with allergies, all natural and edible but for the borax, and smells like heaven.</p>
<p>If you don’t have dried mint available, you may use essential oils such <br />
lemon grass, citronella, sweet orange, lime, or any other e.o. with repellent properties.</p>
Source: Spa City Co-op
Servings: enough to clean about 2,000 feet of carpet
Ingredient keywords: mint, baking, salt, borax
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No-Bake Strawberry Icebox Cake
<p>Just in time for Memorial Day and while strawberries are still available. This recipe looks very appetizing.</p>
Source: the kitchn (
Servings: Serves 8-12
Ingredient keywords: strawberries, vanilla, chocolate
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Nui Xào Bò (Vietnamese Stir-Fried Pasta w/ Beef)
<p>A delicious stir-fry made with local beef and several fresh vegetables! Please consider leaving a picture or comment if you decide to try this recipe!</p>
Servings: Not listed
Ingredient keywords: beef, pasta, tomato, onion, garlic, onion, cilantro
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Oat Flour Pizza Crust - Gluten Free, Vegan
<p>This is actually a really simple, straight-forward recipe which uses our Oat Flour as the primary ingredient. For the topping, we used sliced, sauteed portabella mushrooms, sliced baby tomatoes and feta cheese but you can substitute Vegan cheeses to make this a truly vegan pizza.</p>
Source: Bean Girl
Servings: 8 Slices
Ingredient keywords: Oat
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Oatmeal-Pear Pancakes
<p>Sweet and healthy stacks of pancakes for a sensational start to your day! Please consider leaving a picture or comment if you decide to try this recipe!</p>
Servings: 1
Ingredient keywords: pear, egg, honey, yogurt, oat, syrup, honey, nuts, fruits
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Oh-So-Good Oatmeal
<p>This recipe is a family favorite. A healthy, filling breakfast has never been so easy! Try adding nuts, fresh fruit, or granola for a variety of taste.</p>
Source: Turtle Rock Farms Kitchen
Servings: Serves 4
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Oh-So-Good Oatmeal
<p>This recipe is a family favorite. A healthy, filling breakfast has never been so easy! Try adding nuts, fresh fruit, or granola for a variety of taste.</p>
Source: Turtle Rock Farms Kitchen
Servings: Serves 4
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Oh-So-Good Oatmeal
<p>This recipe is a family favorite. A healthy, filling breakfast has never been so easy! Try adding nuts, fresh fruit, or granola for a variety of taste.</p>
Source: Turtle Rock Farms Kitchen
Servings: Serves 4
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Oh-So-Good Oatmeal
<p>This recipe is a family favorite. A healthy, filling breakfast has never been so easy! Try adding nuts, fresh fruit, or granola for a variety of taste.</p>
Source: Turtle Rock Farms Kitchen
Servings: Serves 4
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Oi Muchim (Korean Spicy Cucumber Salad)
<p>A spicy, crunchy side dish that uses locally grown cucumbers, garlic, and scallions! Please consider leaving a picture or comment if you decide to try this recipe!</p>
Servings: 4
Ingredient keywords: cucumber, scallion, garlic, vinegar, sesame, sesame
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Okra Summer Salad
<p>This easy to prepare, vibrantly colored chilled salad is a great way to enjoy summer vegetables! Please consider leaving a picture or comment if you decide to try this recipe!</p>
Servings: 8
Ingredient keywords: okra, corn, onion, tomato, oil
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Okra with Tomatoes (Mayai Wara Bhinda)
<p>At least one okra hater testifies that this is an eatable okra dish. As an okraphile, I can’t stop eating it. Browning the okra is magical — if you don’t feel like turning the oven on to roast it, this way of cooking it is a good alternative.</p>
Source: Madhur Jaffrey's World Vegetarian
Servings: 3-4
Ingredient keywords: okra, tomato, garlic
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Old-Fashioned Egg Custard
<p>Baked custard is the ultimate healthy “comfort food.” If you’ve never had an egg custard made with fresh, free-range eggs, you’re in for a real treat! I can eat them any time of day, and like to keep a few on hand in the fridge. It’s a great dessert with a dollop of whipped cream, or a fast healthy breakfast on the go. This custard can be made with half and half or even heavy cream instead of milk, which will give you more of a Creme Brulee… if desired you can add a tablespoon of sugar to the top and carmelize with a torch, but I love it as is.</p>
Source: This is an old favorite... flavoring variations are endless.
Servings: Makes about six 6 oz. servings.
Ingredient keywords: eggs, sugar, vanilla, milk, nutmeg,
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<p>This is a great easy recipe that kids love to help make! Each person can customize their own omelet just the way they like it. Fast, easy, fun, and nutritious… what’s not to like?</p>
Source: Granny Dee
Servings: One
Ingredient keywords: salt, pepper, eggs
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One-Skillet Sausage Dinner
<p>I love one skillet meals with fresh ingredients. This came together so well, and each bite just melts in your mouth. Everything can be purchased from the Farmer’s Market, except the salt. <br />
Easy and versatile. Next time, I’m adding garlic and spicy sausage.</p>
Source: My kitchen
Servings: 4-6
Ingredient keywords: Pork, Onion, Sweet, Green, Kale, Butter, Salt
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Onion-Eggplant Soup Provencale
<p>This slow-cooker soup was a $50 winner in the Better Homes and Gardens recipes contest back when crockpots were a new idea and $50 was a lot of money! A nutritional bargain, in 97 calories and only 2 gram of fat, it packs 23% of the <span class="caps">RDA</span> for vitamin A and 25% of the <span class="caps">RDA</span> for vitamin C. Easily made vegan by using “not beef” bouillon in place of the meat-based version. It looks like a lot of ingredients, but they go together quickly. Fix the soup after breakfast, and by dinner time the aroma (and taste) will be mouth-watering!</p>
Source: Better Homes and Gardens monthly recipe contest
Servings: 8-10 side-dish servings; 4-6 main dish servings
Ingredient keywords: squash, onion, eggplant, basil, olive, garlic
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Open-Faced Veggie Sandwich with Microgreens
<p>Healthy & simple, this sandwich uses local produce & bakery bread! Please consider leaving a picture or comment if you decide to try this recipe!</p>
Servings: 1
Ingredient keywords: bread, hummus, avocado, carrot, cheese, microgreens
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Orange Shakshuka
<p>An autumnal twist on shakshuka that uses butternut squash in place of tomatoes! Please consider leaving a picture or comment if you decide to try this recipe!</p>
Servings: 6
Ingredient keywords: butternut, oil, onion, pepper, garlic, thyme, egg, thyme, parsley, microgreens
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Orange-Pecan Topped Sweet Potato Casserole
<p>Mashed sweet potatoes seasoned with spices and topped with pecans makes a tasty side dish for turkey or pork.</p>
Source: Taste of the South Magazine
Servings: About 4 to 6 large servings
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Oregano Salad Dressing
<p>A simple dressing to create a fresh Greek salad. A little Salanova salad mix, a pile of sliced or cubed cucumbers, a handful of kalmata olives and toss with some oregano and lemon dressing. Perfecto! (ok, maybe that’s Italian…)</p>
Source: Provider Farms
Servings: 2-3
Ingredient keywords: oregano
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Organic Pepper Garden Spray
This garden pest mix is being published by the Chile Pepper Institute as a result of research done by the <span class="caps">USDA</span> National Wildlife Research Center to deter garden pests in a safe and non-chemical manner.
Source: NMSU Chile Pepper Institute Newsletter
Servings: 1 gal.
Ingredient keywords: chile, chile, soap
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Oriental Bok Choy Salad (or meing choy or pok choy)
<p>This is a power packed with nutrition salad and very easy to prepare…most everyone loves this even the non greens eaters! It fills you up and makes you healthy!</p>
<p>These greens are available for a few months this winter in South Georgia and we are lucky that our farmers are thinking out to the box to bring these exceptional vegtables to our palette. this is a good entree with the addtion of some grilled wild caught salmon or grilled chicken (we have both on line.</p>
Source: printed from
Servings: 4-6 side dish
Ingredient keywords: butter, sugar, sesame seeds, do not use flavor pack, almonds, greens, green onions
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Orzo Pasta Salad with Beets and Chard
<p>From the June 12, 2011, newsletter.</p>
Source: Fresh Harvest
Servings: varies
Ingredient keywords: nuts, beets, chard, oil, onion, garlic, orzo, feta, salt, pepper
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Orzo Salad
<p>Orzo is a small pasta, shaped a bit like rice. It is a wonderful base for a salad, used as a side dish or added to soup. Here it is partnered up with wonderful colors and crunch with a lemon-y zing provided by the lemon basil.</p>
Source: An amalgamation
Servings: 4-6
Ingredient keywords: pasta, vinegar, basil, garlic, oregano, carrot, squash, pepper, cucumber, onion, parsley
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Our Grass-Fed Lamb Roast
<p>Here is a special adapted Lamb Roast Recipe for our smaller cut roasts!<br />
Great for 2-4 people for dinner or cook for one with leftovers for fajitas or tacos! Use with our Lamb Spice Blend!<br />
Check out our products, especially the Shoulder Roasts and Shank Roasts when they are available! Also check out our smaller size Leg of Lamb Roasts but buy early!<br />
You can use this same recipe with our Leg of Lamb Roast <br />
(About 3-4 lbs.) Just double the ingredients and extend the roasting time to about 1.5-2 hours.</p>
Source: J & L Vernon Farms
Servings: 2-4
Ingredient keywords: Shoulder, diced, finely, diced, see
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Oven Baked Deep South Barbecue Ribs
<p>These locally sourced ribs are coated in a homemade sauce made from fresh veggies! Please consider leaving a picture or comment if you decide to try this recipe!</p>
Servings: 6
Ingredient keywords: ribs, tomato, onion, garlic, butter, mustard, sauce
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Oven Baked Round Steak
<p>I thought I would share a recipe for Round Steak. This is one of our family favorites.</p>
Source: Family Recipe-listed in our family cookbook
Servings: 4-6 servings
Ingredient keywords: Round
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Oven Baked Sweet Potatoes
<p>An easy twist on a baked potato! Olive oil and seasonings are optional, these potatoes are also flavorful on their own!</p>
Servings: 4
Ingredient keywords: potato, oil
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Oven Dried Tomatoes
<p>This is super easy and the finished product may be preserved by canning just as you would for regular garden tomatoes.</p>
Source: Suzanne Somers' Cookbook "Candied Tomatoes"
Servings: It will make as little or as much as you want. This recipe makes one cookie sheet or about 2 pints.
Ingredient keywords: tomatoes, olive, basil, salt
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Oven Fried Green Tomatoes
<p>This is a great way to fix that Southern classic, fried green tomatoes, without last-minute fussing and standing over a hot frying pan. It’s also a lot healthier (=lower in fat and calories!) than the traditional version.</p>
Source: Based on p. 135, "Flavors of the Gardens: A Collection of Recipes and Stories from Callaway Gardens," Memphis: Wimmer Co., 2000.
Servings: 6 servings
Ingredient keywords: cornmeal, egg, tomato
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Oven Fried Rabbit
<p>We experiment with rabbit recipes as we raise rabbits for meat. Rabbit is more nutritious than all other domestic meats.</p>
Servings: 4
Ingredient keywords: Rabbit, crackers, paprika, egg, milk
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Oven Fries with Garlic Aoli
<p>From Kitchen Daily<br />
Prep Time:20 mins Total Time:40 mins What do you say? Our Readers Say:Quick-And-Easy 1 Great-For-Kids 1 <br />
Filed Under: Potato, American, Easy, Side Dish</p>
<p>Provided By: Curtis Stone <br />
Read more:</p>
Source: From Kitchen Daily
Servings: Use as a fantastic side to any protein dish.
Ingredient keywords: potatoes, Thyme, Rosemary, Garlic, Egg, Wine Vinegar, mustard, Oil, Water, Flat Parsley, Paprica, olive oil, Salt and Pepper
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Oven Roasted Balsamic Asparagus
<p>The perfect dinner side dish!</p>
Source: Amber Murray
Servings: 4
Ingredient keywords: asparagus, olive, garlic, vinegar, parmesan
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Oven Roasted Cabbage
<p>Genius! The ultimate way to eat cabbage.</p>
Source: Martha Stewart
Servings: 6
Ingredient keywords: cabbage
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Oven Roasted Figs
<p>A super simple fruit dessert! Please consider leaving a picture or comment if you decide to try this recipe!</p>
Servings: 5
Ingredient keywords: figs, rosemary, honey
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Oven Roasted Radishes and Brussels Sprouts
<p>An easy vegan side dish that combines two brightly hued veggies! Please consider leaving a picture or comment if you decide to try this recipe!</p>
Servings: 6
Ingredient keywords: brussels, radish, oil, lemon, thyme, seasoning
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Oven Roasted Winter Squash and Root Veggies
<p>Growing up in the north the only way in which winter squash and rutabaga(hubbard, buttercup and butternut) was served was cooked to death, drained and mashed with butter and cream. And it was always served only in the winter. Yes, it was great but whatever vitamins, and taste, went down the drain with the water. Here, root veggies can be had all year.<br />
I usually mix whatever winter squash and other root vegetables I have on hand. This time I used Red Kuri Squash.</p>
<p>Amounts will vary; judge what you will use individually and multiply as needed for more people. The amounts below are what I use for myself and usually have leftovers for another meal.</p>
Source: Black Cat Growers Kitchen
Servings: Can serve 1 with yummy leftovers to a crowd
Ingredient keywords: Kuri,, Carrots, Potato, Turnip/Rutabaga, Olive, Onion
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Oven Roated Summer Vegetables
<p>I did this with the veggies that were in my farm box last week. It was fantastic! If you don’t have three pounds of vegetables exact, use one tablespoon of oil per pound. Below is what I used, but you can use summer squash, mushrooms, green beans, etc.</p>
Source: Everyday Food Magazine Summer 2011 issue (adapted)
Servings: Six 1/2 cup servings
Ingredient keywords: eggplant, peppers, onions, tomato, parsley
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Oven-fried Eggplant Fingers
<p>Interesting way to enjoy eggplant with the convenience of baking and with less clean up. Kids can help with the dipping and they love the finger food.</p>
Source: Folly Farm
Servings: 4 to 6
Ingredient keywords: Eggplants, bread, eggs
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Oven-Roasted Corn with Smoked Paprika Butter
<p>“This recipe is easily doubled or tripled when you have guest over. Perfect for a family gathering!!!</p>
Source: Eating Well Magazine July/August 2016 pg. 39
Servings: 4 (1ear of corn each)
Ingredient keywords: garlic, beaverfork, corn
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Oven-Roasted Sweet Potatoes
<p>Roast lightly-seasoned sweet potatoes in the oven for a simple, healthy, and delicious side dish.</p>
Servings: 12 1/2 cup servings
Ingredient keywords: sweet, olive, seasoning, pepper, onions, butter
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Overnight Coleslaw
<p>Easy recipe because you can/should make it the day before. I’ve made this many times pretty much can double the amount of veggies and seem to still have enough dressing.</p>
Source: My sister, thanks Barb
Servings: lots
Ingredient keywords: cabbage, green, red, carrots, sugar, vinegar, oil, dry, celery, sugar
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Overnight Yeasted Spelt Waffles
<p>These waffles are a breeze to prepare, as the prep is done the night before. In the morning, simply break an egg, mix and pour the batter into a hot waffle iron. The yeasty/sourdough like taste from the overnight fermentation is healthy and delicious. These waffles are crispy on the outside and perfectly soft inside!</p>
Servings: 2 servings - we have to double this for our selves and our three young children
Ingredient keywords: spelt
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Oxtail Cabbage Soup
<p>A low-effort savory soup made with local meat & veggies! Please consider leaving a picture or comment if you decide to try this recipe!</p>
Servings: 2
Ingredient keywords: beef, onion, cabbage, onion, cilantro
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Oyster Mushroom Curry
<p>An easy & flavorful vegan mushroom curry! Please consider leaving a picture or comment if you decide to try this recipe!</p>
Servings: 4
Ingredient keywords: mushroom, oil, onion, pepper, curry, garlic, bread, rice
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Oyster Mushroom Fettucini
<p>A simple and tasty pasta dish!</p>
Servings: Serves 6
Ingredient keywords: mushrooms, pasta, olive, garlic, pine, sun
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Oyster Mushroom Noodle Stir-Fry
<p>A savory vegan stir-fry that’s loaded with veggies! Please consider leaving a picture or comment if you decide to try this recipe!</p>
Servings: 3
Ingredient keywords: syrup, mushroom, mushroom, pasta, oil, carrot, onion, bok, sesame
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Oyster Mushroom Pasta
<p>This is a quick, delicious way to use oyster mushrooms to make a pasta sauce.</p>
Source: Fortner Farms Mushrooms and More
Servings: Serves 4
Ingredient keywords: mushrooms
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Oyster Stew
<p>A satisfying seafood stew! Please consider leaving a picture or comment if you decide to try this recipe!</p>
Servings: 6
Ingredient keywords: butter, flour, onion, celery, oyster, milk, herb, onion, garlic, sauce, herb, butter, bread, shrimp, sausage, potato
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Ozark Persimmon Pudding
<p>It’s time to start loving all things Asian Persimmon and this recipe will finish that job.</p>
Source: E N M Griffith via Edible Landscaping
Servings: Plenty
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P.F. Chang's Chicken Lettuce Wraps
<p>This is a copycat version of the chicken lettuce wraps from the famous P.F. Chang’s restaurant. If you’re looking for a light meal or a way to cut carbs, this recipe may be your answer.</p>
Source: Damn Delicious (
Servings: 4 servings
Ingredient keywords: garlic, onion, Ginger, onion, lettuce
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Pad Thai with Shredded Cabbage
<p>I love pad thai and cabbage is in season and great for you, so here ya go— marriage made in heaven.</p>
Source: Adapted from:
Servings: 4
Ingredient keywords: cabbage, edamame, cabbage, carrots, lime, peanut, ketchup, ginger, garlic
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Pak Choi / Bok Choy with Ginger and Garlic
<p>Nice and light stir-fried vegetarian side.</p>
Source: Ranger
Servings: 3-4
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Paleo Buffalo Moussaka
<p>Want a delicious, easy, grain and dairy free moussaka? And made with water buffalo! Here you go.</p>
Source: A recipe adapted from Grassfed Girl's blog.
Servings: 4
Ingredient keywords: oil, onion, garlic, salt, pepper, water, cinnamon, tomato, eggplant, parsley, arrowroot
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Paleo Chicken Nuggets
<p>Make delicious homemade chicken nuggets that are grain-free, gluten-free, dairy-free, and junk free in less than 30 minutes. This recipe also includes a quick recipe for a yummy homemade sweet-n-sour dipping sauce!</p>
Source: Jamie Koonce
Servings: makes four servings
Ingredient keywords: chicken,, egg, cilantro, scallions, coconut, coconut, spices, seeds
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Paleo Pizza Crust
<p>If you have a sensitivity to gluten and all the high-glycemic “gluten-free” products out there, just finding a good pizza to eat can be a pain. Thankfully, you can make your own delicious grain-free pizza at home (and spare the pizza delivery guy some trouble).</p>
Source: Jamie Koonce
Servings: makes four servings
Ingredient keywords: eggs, nuts, nuts, salt, olive, oregano
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Pan Fried Fresh Salmon Cakes
<p>I was looking for a recipe on the internet to use fresh salmon in and this is what I found. It is delicious and I’ve made these many times with family and company. Everyone is taken aback at how good they are. You’ll feel like you’ve just eaten at a 5 star restaurant…That Good! To save time I have doubled and even tripled the recipe and frozen immediately after mixing and making the patties. They freeze great and the prep work is done all you have to do is flour, dip, Panko and fry for a quicker delish meal.</p>
Source: Found on the internet
Servings: 6-8 patties...1per serving unless you just can't help yourself
Ingredient keywords: salmon
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Pan Fried Fresh Salmon Cakes
<p>I was looking for a recipe on the internet to use fresh salmon in and this is what I found. It is delicious and I’ve made these many times with family and company. Everyone is taken aback at how good they are. You’ll feel like you’ve just eaten at a 5 star restaurant…That Good! To save time I have doubled and even tripled the recipe and frozen immediately after mixing and making the patties. They freeze great and the prep work is done all you have to do is flour, dip, Panko and fry for a quicker delish meal.</p>
Source: Found on the internet
Servings: 6-8 patties...1per serving unless you just can't help yourself
Ingredient keywords: salmon
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Pan Fried Fresh Salmon Cakes
<p>I was looking for a recipe on the internet to use fresh salmon in and this is what I found. It is delicious and I’ve made these many times with family and company. Everyone is taken aback at how good they are. You’ll feel like you’ve just eaten at a 5 star restaurant…That Good! To save time I have doubled and even tripled the recipe and frozen immediately after mixing and making the patties. They freeze great and the prep work is done all you have to do is flour, dip, Panko and fry for a quicker delish meal.</p>
Source: Found on the internet
Servings: 6-8 patties...1per serving unless you just can't help yourself
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Pan Seared Thyme Lamb Steak
<p>Here is an option for how to cook your center cut lamb steaks. These steaks come from the Leg of Lamb.</p>
Servings: 4
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Pan-Broiled Salmon (Sake Nanban-yaki)
<p>From Shizuo Tsuji, Japanese Cooking: A Simple Feast, which came out in the early eighties with an introduction by M.F.K. Fisher and color illustrations apparently subsidized by Suntory whisky, which (it’s noted) pairs well with many Japanese dishes. My friend Annie lent me this cookbook as an artifact, and because of my M.F.K. Fisher addiction. Mostly the recipes were too rigorous to make it in to my regular routine, but this salmon dish is simple and amazing.</p>
Source: Shizuo Tsuji, Japanese Cooking
Servings: 4
Ingredient keywords: salmon, onion
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Pan-Fried Lamb Chops With Minted Pea Salad
<p>Two recipes in one! An easy way to enjoy lamb with a healthy side dish to boot! Note that the recipe only produces one (1) serving as written, so you may wish to double it. Please consider leaving a picture or comment if you decide to try this recipe!</p>
Source: (modified slightly)
Servings: 1
Ingredient keywords: pepper, garlic, oil, mint, vinegar, lamb, peas, vinegar, mint
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Pan-fried rutabaga
<p>Try the winter roots with a different seasoning twist. Complex and full-flavored sidedish.</p>
Source: Adapted From:
Servings: 3-4
Ingredient keywords: rutabaga, mustard, ginger
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Pan-Fried Turkey Livers with Bacon and Onions
<p>A simple and delicious recipe that uses locally raised turkeys! Please consider leaving a picture or comment if you decide to try this recipe!(</p>
Source: (modified slightly)
Servings: 4
Ingredient keywords: oil, onion, bacon, flour, turkey, butter
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Pan-Seared Crispy Chicken Thighs with Blistered Tomatoes and Basil
<p>An elegant dinner that’s relatively easy to prepare! Please consider leaving a picture or comment if you decide to try this recipe!</p>
Servings: 4
Ingredient keywords: chicken, seasoning, oil, tomato, garlic, basil
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<p>A basic tomato salad with emphasis on “fresh”!</p>
Source: From Asparagus to Zucchini: A Guide to Cooking Farm-Fresh Seasonal Produce
Servings: 6-12
Ingredient keywords: tomato, onion, cucumber, basil
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Papas Chorreadas (Potatoes with Cream and Cheese Sauce)
<p>A deliciously cheesey side-dish that’s made with potatoes, tomatoes, and cilantro! Please consider leaving a picture or comment if you decide to try this recipe!</p>
Source: (modified slightly)
Servings: 4
Ingredient keywords: potato, butter, tomato, scallion, cream, cilantro, mozzarella
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